LEGEND: CSU- t = CSU可转让,UC- t = UC可转让!!!

所有单元均适用于任何副学士学位. 检查 课程表 可用性.

心理咨询1 (CSU-T) - 多元文化环境下的心理咨询导论:  Introduction to psychology-counseling theory, 技能, techniques, and processes 与个人和/或团体合作. 美国社会的多元文化主义. 强调 放置在少数多数环境的问题和过程. 包括审查 人口统计,社会服务,社区机构和干预计划. 基本 counseling techniques, counseling theory and socio-cultural issues related to working 在服务提供者角色中.

心理咨询2 (CSU-T) - 人力服务案例管理导论:案例管理理论、模型和技术概论. 多元文化的问题 影响案例管理理论. 注重案例管理的哲学、伦理 问题、概念和实践. 需求、文件和保密分析 以及个性化消费计划的开发. 机构间协作分析. Includes issues of monitoring an ongoing case management plan and maintaining consumer 计划成功的承诺. 旨在为学生提供案例管理的知识 人类服务,社会工作和/或心理健康的理论实施.

心理咨询3 (CSU-T) - 现代社会的毒品、康复和预防: Introductory course in the epidemiology and toxicology of substance abuse and addiction 以及它们对个人和社会的影响. 酒精的基本术语 精神药物和其他相关的成瘾术语将被涵盖. 定义 and side effects of licit and illicit drugs, pharmacologic, neurologic and physiologic 将检查成瘾物质的影响. 分析社会经济理论 以及制药业的政治影响. 调查目前的预防模式; 治疗计划,恢复,当地资源和病人监测.

心理咨询4 (csu-t, uc-t) - 多民族/文化交流: Exploration of intercultural and interethnic communication behavior of individuals in relationships and/or groups, personal identity formation in the American context, historical 发展 of culturally influenced communication styles, and evolution 新的,美国式的群体间和群体内的交流. 将研究社会科学 research models, including single subject case study, in three (3) of the five (5) following groups: African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native/Indigenous Americans, 太平洋岛民-美国人,西班牙裔美国人. 学生将参加湾区文化活动 韦德1946网站.

心理咨询5 (CSU-T) - 社会工作与人类服务概论: 人类服务领域概论. 包括历史、伦理、价值观和原则 人类和社会服务. 关注现代实践,研究技术和技能.

 心理咨询7 (CSU-T) - 当代问题: Contemporary life issues related to social effectiveness, and educational and career 发展. 通过当前咨询相关的检查探讨问题 研究成果和资源材料.

心理咨询10 (CSU-T) - 职业及教育规划: Exploration of the concept of educational/career planning focusing on personal career 发展 through self-assessment, psychological testing, and individual counseling. 强调 on clarification 个人的兴趣、价值、需要和能力 and 在工作世界的职业机会的调查. 专为那些人设计的 未决定或不确定他们的职业和教育计划.

心理咨询11 (CSU-T) - 人际关系:探索与他人互动时的行为. 改善人际关系 有利于学术,职业和个人发展.

心理咨询12 (CSU-T) - 自尊促进成功: Exploration of causes of low self-esteem, methods for building self-esteem and habits 成功的. 旨在提高自尊,以确保学业成功.

心理咨询13 (csu-t, uc-t) - 当代美国的多元文化问题: Exploration of issues relating to the multicultural community in which we live today. 人际关系与沟通. 专注于提高个人的理解 以及这些文化如何影响美国人的生活方式. 包括勘探 神话和误解. 四种特定文化或亚文化的讨论 from the following groups: (1) African-American, (2) Asian-American, (3) Hispanic-American, (4) Native-American, (5) Middle Eastern-American, (6) European-American, (7) Gay/Lesbian (8)美国残疾人.

心理咨询15 (CSU-T) - 大学学习技巧回顾在大学取得成功的学习技巧. 强调时间管理; personal learning style, active listening, note-taking and test-taking strategies. 包括学习技巧的建模、实践和评估.

心理咨询18 (csu-t, uc-t) - 大学转学计划: Introduction to the resources and planning process needed to ease transition from 从社区学院到四年制学院或大学. 转移的发展 行动计划. 为专业和通识教育的要求做准备. 应用程序 周期和重要的截止日期. 推荐给转入四年制大学的学生 或大学.

心理咨询20 (CSU-T UC-T) - 大学经历: Explores academic programs, college policies, student rights 和责任, graduation and transfer requirements, student services, campus resources 和活动 以及通过自我评估的教育规划理念. 重点在于自我评价 个人的兴趣、价值、需要和能力. 专为第一次,返回, and reentry students to ease transition into college and maximize 成功ful matriculation 通过大学实现学术/职业目标. 

心理咨询21 (CSU-T) - 大学成功的策略:学习和大学生活评估. 介绍实用的策略 大学里的成功. 包括学生学术课程,大学政策,学生 rights 和责任, graduation and transfer requirements, and campus resources 和活动. 专为第一次,返回和重新入学的学生,以减轻过渡 进入大学并最大限度地实现学业目标. (不可取 如果心理学咨询20或通识研究20已完成学分.)

心理咨询22 (CSU-T) - 大学成功系列: (May be repeated 2 times) Workshop format focusing on practical strategies 成功的 in college; workshop topics may include personal, academic and/or career goal setting; transitioning and adapting to higher education; educational planning for graduation and/or transfer; support services and campus resources; majors and careers; plus other 确定学生需要的主题. 专为所有学生最大限度地发挥他们的 潜力与重点加强新学生进入大学的过渡.

心理咨询23 (CSU-T UC-T) - 在大学和生活中创造成功: A course designed to equip students for lifelong learning and developing critical thinking that will facilitate their adjustment to the college environment and the 成功地追求自己的教育和职业目标. 本课程提供 introduction to academic 技能 and strategies, campus resources 和活动, decision making and planning, college policies and procedures, interpersonal communication, stress management techniques, self-exploration and goal setting, and student rights 和责任.

心理咨询24 (CSU-T) - 个人成长: The course is designed for students with disabilities to improve life management 技能. 通过这门课程,学生通过与他人的互动来探索行为 and improving interpersonal 技能 有利于学术,职业和个人发展.

心理咨询26 (CSU-T UC-T) - 大学成功与墨西哥裔美国人的经历: Investigation of the relationship between Chicano cultural experiences and college 成功. 强调 on examination of how Chicano cultural experience can affect collegiate 成功.

心理咨询30 (CSU-T)- 生活的转换: Enhance knowledge, 技能 and abilities to effectively navigate the transitions encountered throughout life, such as graduating from high school, entering the world of work, becoming a parent, changing careers, entering or loss of a relationship and other 生活中的重大变化. 以个人健康、家庭生活、社区生活和事业为中心 发展. 提供机会发展积极的自我概念,独立 and positive attitude while also practicing 技能 to grow with change and maintain 积极的生活方式. 促进和支持在管理中发展整体福祉 作为有目的、对社会有贡献的成员而生活.

心理咨询 95 (CSU-T) - 社会工作及人文服务: This work-based learning course offers students a supervised field experience in a community organization, agency, or institution within human services/social work. Students will reinforce and apply knowledge gained in the prerequisite coursework 同时在课堂环境之外学习新技能. 除了参与 in fieldwork, student will attend a weekly class meeting that will complement their 野外工作经验. 修读社会工作与人类服务专业预备课程的学生 总共需要完成2个单元. 本节的课程学习可以重复进行 for a maximum of 16 units for occupational or a combination of general and occupational 工作经历. 每支付75小时可获得一个单位的学分 每学期有60小时的志愿者工作. 并修课程: PSCN 96, 先决条件: PSCN 5或PSY 1或SOCI 1.

心理咨询 96(CSU-T) - 社会工作与人文服务研讨会: This course provides the student who is participating in a supervised field experience in a community organization, agency, or institution with a weekly class meeting that 为体验式课程提供学术元素. 结合 with the required corequisite work experience course, students will gain insight about their future role as a Human Services/Social Work practitioner through discussion, problem solving, reflection, and evaluation with self, instructor, supervisor, and 同行. 道德,法律,专业和社会正义问题在人类领域 将讨论服务/社会工作. 先决条件: PSCN 5或PSY 1或SOCI 1 并修课程: PSCN 95.